Hip Hop, a cultural movement that attained widespread popularity in the 1980s and '90s. Also the backing music for rap, the musical style
incorporating rhythmic and/ or rhyming speech that became the movement's most lasting and influential art form.
Four foundational elements characterize hip hop culture. The original four main pillars of hip hop include DJing/turntablism, MCing/rapping, B-boying/breaking, and visual/graffiti art.
A subculture and an art movement that emerged from the Bronx in New York City during the early 1970s.
Before we start, just a little reminder to stretch first before dancing.
Now, let's move onto some basic steps for Hiphop. Here we have a video from Ti & Me TV on Youtube.
Here are 9 Easy Dance Moves Anyone Can Learn
1. The Two-Step
It really is as simple as stepping from side to side to the beat!
2. The Monestary
It’s built on a Two-Step, so if you took that class, you’ve already got a foundation for the footwork.
But rather than bringing your feet together, you’ll tap them to the front with your knee and foot turned inward.
Then, as you tap the feet, you’ll move your arms and shoulders in a circular movement.
3. Booty Pop (Side To Side)
To do a booty pop to the side, you’re gonna bend your knees, put your hands on one knee,
and then bring the other leg from bent to straight while turning your knee inward.
If you’re a long-haired baddie, be sure to keep all your hair on
one side so it doesn’t flop in your face as you pop!
4. The Billy Bounce
What makes it unique is that your knees will come inward on each bounce rather than just up and down.
Once you’ve got the funky lil knee bounce down, you’ll add in an upward kick on each side.
The best thing about this move is that while the footwork takes a few minutes to learn, you don’t necessarily need to add
an arm movement to make it look cool. Just keep your arms front and center.
5. The Woah
6. The Dougie
Like the Two-Step, you’ll be shifting your weight from side to side,
but this time, adding some shoulder movements and a lil more attitude.
7. Scoop Arm Into Hip Sway
For this move, you’re gonna scoop your arm across your chest,
then bring it over your head, and finally point it in front of your chest. Once you point the arm in front of you,
you’ll sway your hips from side to side and groove it out.
8. The Biz Markie
As you practice it, remember to allow your shoulders to bounce.
The bounce is what gives this move its cool, laidback flavor.
9. The Humpty
For this bouncy move, you’re gonna circle your hips to one side as your bend your knees.
Then, you’ll jump and cross your legs, allowing your feet to tap the floor briefly before you
jump back to your original legs apart position. Once you’ve got that down,
you can complete the move by adding in a windmill motion with your arms.
Here are some Hip Hop performances:
Flo Rida - Low feat. T-Pain from 1MILLION Dance Studio on Youtube
Like I Do - J. Tajor (Hip Hop) from PERFORMING ARTS STUDIO PH on Youtube